Only Diners who have actually dined at the restaurant, as indicated by their reservation status on their Tasti reservation, are provided with the option to submit a review. Reviews should be given freely for the benefit of the Tasti community and never in exchange for special treatment or personal gain. Tasti will not edit the text of a published review on our website. Relevant It is important to keep the topics being reviewed relevant to the restaurant experience. These are topics that follow the rating criteria of the review, such as food quality, value of the meal, ambience of the restaurant, and the service of the restaurant staff. Reviews should not include personal biases towards any staff or restaurant owners that have no effect on the service or experience received. Reviews containing irrelevant, inappropriate, or promotional content may be removed without notice. Appropriate Reviews that are offensive, obscene, or malicious or that reference illegal activity or conditions will be removed. Out of respect for the privacy of those who work in the restaurant, full names or other identifying characteristics should be avoided (first names are acceptable). The diner submitting the review is given the option of submitting the review as private. This will submit the review directly to the restaurant without the review being submitted to the Tasti website and App publicly. Use this private review if needing to share feedback regarding specific staff members or incidents directly to the restaurant.